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You have pests, we have the solution.

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Exterior Protection & Prevention

Our exterior home and business protection services are vital to managing pests. It is recommended to treat your property routinely to maintain the barrier between your home and invading pests. This service includes an outside spray around the perimeter of your home, entry-ways, eaves, overhangs, and porches. In addition, we also lay granulated, plant-friendly, insecticides around the building which sink into the ground, reinforcing the pest barrier. Remember, prevention is key! Contact us with any questions about monthly or seasonal treatment for your home or business (330) 825-3472


Carpenter ants use their strong mandibles to hollow out galleries in the wood of buildings for nesting purposes, resulting in serious damage to your home if not addressed. 

Ants live in large colonies and depend on their  ability to work together towards the common goal of caring for the queen.  They are a very dedicated crew and will work 24/7 to maintain their existence, therefore the need for our trained and certified exterminators at Hygienic Solutions Pest Control becomes vital to gaining an upper-hand in preventative advantage. 

Depending on the species of ant and location of nests, different types of elimination methods may be used. Mechanical alterations, liquids, baits, dusts, and pheromone attractants may be necessary. Hygienic Solutions uses EPA approved products, and uses the least material possible to resolve the problem at the lowest cost possible to you. Contact us for your free, no obligation, inspection (330) 825-3472


Cockroaches are some of the most resilient and difficult pests to eliminate. They exhibit unique survival tactics, including the ability to live for a week without their head. A cockroach infestation poses a difficult task for home and business owners to do themselves oftentimes. These pests are significant problems found in apartments, homes, restaurants, and health care facilities throughout the world. Cockroaches consume garbage, rotted food, and even fecal matter of other roaches. They can transmit diseases and a range of bacteria including salmonella, staphylococcus, and streptococcus to your household food, kitchen surfaces, eating utensils, and other areas around the house.

 With their rapid reproduction rate, an infested home can be difficult to fix. Due to the hazards and complexity of the materials involved, it is recommended to hire a professional to eliminate the problem. Hygienic Solutions’ Cockroach Control Service includes the necessary products and follow up visits for a complete and hygienic solution to your problem. Contact us for your free, no obligation, inspection (330) 825-3472 

Mice & Rats

Just one mouse in your home can be an indication of a larger rodent infestation. Mice are difficult to locate and eliminate because they live between your walls and floors, usually only coming out at night to search for crumbs and food particles. This increases the chances of mice getting into your food pantries, causing food-borne illnesses such as salmonella. Mice are also known to carry diseases like hantavirus and lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM).

At Hygienic Solutions, your safety is our priority. Only non-chemical treatments, such as snap-traps and multi-catch devices, will be used inside your home or business. Often-times poisonous baits can be translocated by rodents to surface areas such as kitchen countertops, carpeted or wood floors, etc. Only exterior services will consist of chemical rodenticide, in tamper-proof bait stations.

Contact us for your free, no obligation inspection (330) 825-3472

Stinging Insects

The most common stinging insects in Northeast Ohio are bald-faced hornets, paper wasps, yellowjackets, carpenter bees, and honeybees. Their ability to sting and great mobility make bees and wasps some of the most feared species of all insects. For those with allergies, these insects pose an even larger threat. Their stings cause numerous deaths in the United States each year.

Where do they nest?

Many types of wasps and bees are present in all regions of Ohio. Knowledge of their habits is the first step in managing their activity around your home. Wasps and bees will build nests in eaves, porch ceilings, and overhangs.

Preventative Treatment is Key

Hygienic Solutions believes in a preventative approach. Our professional technicians will not only eliminate the threat, but will administer an exterior spray around your home or business which will protect your home from future infestations. If you suspect your property is harboring a nest of stinging insects contact Hygienic Solutions for a no obligation inspection (330) 825-3472   


We at Hygienic Solutions understand the great significance of pollinators, like honeybees, within our ecosystem. We are committed to help keep our planet healthy by allowing honeybees to stay busy so long as they are not nested within your home. Feel free to contact us with any questions regarding honeybees.  

Bed Bugs

These tiny pests use humans as a source of food and create an uncomfortable, and often, an impossible living environment. When dealing with bed bugs, total elimination of the adult bed bugs and their eggs is the goal. If the pests are not completely removed and eliminated from the home, the infestation cycle will reoccur repeatedly. Although they are called “bed” bugs, mattresses are not the only place these pests reside. Hiding places in the home can include the sofa and chair seams, between cushions, electrical receptacles, curtains, behind wall hangings, underneath loose wallpaper, and in cracks and crevices around walls and baseboards.

Pesticides alone will often not eliminate a bed bug infestation. Integrated Pest Management (IPM), needs to be implemented for effective bed bug control. IPM is an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that relies on knowledge of the pest and a combination of common sense practices, such as inspection, monitoring, reducing clutter, sealing cracks, the use of barriers, non-chemical methods and the judicious and careful use of pesticides, if needed. Signs of a bed bug infestation include red, itchy welts or rashes on skin from bites and oftentimes yellowish shed skins or black spots on bed linens that occur from droppings and blood stains of crushed bugs. If you suspect a bed bug infestation in your home or business, do not delay action–Contact us for your free, no obligation, inspection (330) 825-3472

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